Courses section:

General English - Session 1: Do you need a hyphen?

The Courses section offered a variety of resources to improve my general English skills. I started with Session 1, which focused on the use of hyphens. The 6-minute podcast video caught my attention and provided a useful transcription to aid audio comprehension. The duration of the podcast felt appropriate, and I appreciated the interactive element at the end, where the speakers posed questions and provided answers. The vocabulary session dedicated to compound adjectives with hyphens was particularly helpful in expanding my understanding. Overall, this section provided a solid foundation for further exploration.

Grammar section:

6 Minute Grammar - Easy grammar: Activity 5

Activity 5 in the Grammar section proved to be a valuable review for me. It involved reading a text that covered the grammar rules of "must" and "have to." I found it informative and engaging. The subsequent self-evaluation activity allowed me to assess my understanding and reinforce my learning. I also found the other contents in this section to be interesting, and I am eager to explore them further at a later time.

Pronunciation section:

Medium pronunciation: 5 days to improve your pronunciation.

In this section, I found the structured approach of completing one section per day to be very beneficial. It not only enhances the learning experience but also provides a sense of progress. The availability of completion certificates serves as a great motivation to stay committed to the learning journey. Additionally, I appreciate the inclusion of extra pronunciation activities alongside the informative 3-minute video. The subsequent video that provides the answers further enhances the comprehensiveness of this section.


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