Wandering mind

 Since I was a child, some many things called my attention. I tried to do them all. It´s sound nice but is very difficult do something fine when your mind is traveling for everywhere.

I have a few of hobbies I want to work on it, but they are in the box for the future. In the present I have come close to narrative art.  I have always like to draw, in the past I try to learn oil paint, but I more like pencil. Now I´m learning digital art, it´s slow but rewarding. 

I love video games, not just play it, I usually analyze them, them mecanics and how they are related to the narrative. The narrative it´s the most important part to me. This leads me to the thing to use most of my time. Think. Think of stories, in caracthers, conversation or just random things. 

I´m hypersensitive, it´s a personality trait, this make me feels sensation more strong and stimulus have more information. All this give me countless things to think in my head. I love think and imagine, it´s beatifull, I have a few stories and characters who has accompanied me in my life. I´m treating write them, but it´s a long proccess. As I said, it´s beatifull, but also tiring. I past the most part of my days alone in my head, I can´t avoid it. Sometimes I confuse to myself or saturate, sometimes I feel alone because some things I think I can´t express in words. My mind it´s overthinking all the time, but I in process to control that. 

Kisses kisses bye bye.

P.D: I forgot to count I like read, but I´m in reading block and see streams.


  1. i never try to analyze de game but maybe i try it, thanks for the idea

  2. woooww is very fantastic, i would to like have this talent.

  3. wow , you practice many hobbies!!
    i like video games too

  4. How cool, I think the ability and taste for writing is beautiful, but I was never good at it, I hope to read a book of yours in the future or something smaller, besides I understand you the worst thing is to have reader's block.
    - What book triggered it for you or did it happen overnight?

  5. I love that you also love digital arts. And I think the art is a good form of expressing the things in your head.

  6. Wow! Lots of hobbies. I also spend lots of time ¨alone in my head¨ mainly writing songs:)


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