A Family Meal

 I don´t have to many meal or dinner photos. My mom have a lot, she pick a selfi in almost all meals, and send it to my brother. A photo a have is one of a travel we did to La Serena, it´s the last travel we did together. We spend 8 hours in road in a journy that should take 4.

A lot things happen, we stayed in corduroy and flattened a tire, were stopped by police, but we laughed a lot. Today we still remeber thats days. was only 3 or 4, but was the last travel with my grand father. He had 94 years, and despite his family its quite long-lived, in the last months we saw slowly decay his vitality. He was a traveler and he died in his bed of old age next to his family.Leaving that story, I remeber that I ate an cheese empanada.


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