No very good photos

 I´m not a good photographer, I don´t take to many photos, but when somthing are special or beatifull to me, I do.

This photo of my cat is from a couple  of years ago. Represent many more things than can be seen. That was one of the first time I  could order my room after a long depression. In the pass I used to be orderly. There are also the firts things I can buy by myself, thinking in the things I really need, my hearphones, mouse and desk. And my dream collector, as I tell him, a gift from my mom.

My cat is my partner. It took me years to get a pet again, and now I can´t imagine the days without she.

That was one of the first years in a new house, and had recently lost my grandfather. It was very difficult times, but with de moths I was appreciating in my around. You can´t see then in the photo, the silent, the wind and birds. 

I take the next picture in my yard. It´s a double rainbow. Double rainbow are an extremely rare meteorological phenomenon. I have already seen two in my life and maybe sometime I can see a triple rainbow, wich is almost impossible.
As I said, I´m not a good photographer. The photo could have been so much better, but you only have a few minutes to take it. 


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