In the foothills

 When I was a child I remenber going on vacation somthing magical. The most of the time we went to a cabin on the beach, but one time we decided to go camping and it was quite an adventure.

We were six silbings, most of them little ones, and my father, and none has really camped before. We wnet to a quite remote sector in the foothills in the Maule region. It took us more than 15 hours to arrive and we had to take taxi, bus and a interurban micro that only left once a day at 8 am, in wich we were left all the pots and things to cook and we had to wait for them the next day.The camp was next to a river, and the water was so cool it made your bones ache, but we did not mind, we swin like fish. Many things happend,a  chick spider got into the tent, found hidden places, I listen to an owl for first time, we found a ring we still keep, we met a little goat named Meme, We swin in the most crystaline water that I´ve seen, we fish and I saw the night sky really for the first time, and  I get scared, it took me a few days to be able to look at it without scaring me.We were going fot one week and stayed for two. Our grandoarents waited for us with a welcome meal, as usual. Was magical and we would repeat it.


  1. The most beautiful thing is to camp and feel the nature to the bones


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