
   I don´t hear music so ofen, but something i find and search song and add them in my list. I don´t really care the singer and i have a collage of rhythms and styles.

   About one moth ago, i see a animation movie and i like the credits song. I was surfing in recommend videos and i find this song: II bambino che contava le stella. The are in italian and i love the rythm and the lyrics. Talks about something i feel but don´t know how tell it. It´s a track from Ultimo.


  1. I love the italian, the song is very beatiful.

  2. Has a voice very relaxing, nice song ;D


  3. The songs in Italian are very good, I've heard few, but the few I know are among my favorites.

  4. Parlo un po´ di italiano ma he dimenitcato quasi tutti. I´check out the song later.


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